Leadership News

Principal's Piece

Of the many College events, the New Parent Dinner is one of my favourites. This event is an opportunity to take a moment out of the businesses of the term and to gather together and welcome new families to the College. This evening though, is more than just a welcome, it is an opportunity to have a conversation. These conversations form the foundation of the College parent partnership. 

This partnership is a foundational concept at Bayside and can only be formed over time as staff and parents to get to know each other. It is this ‘knowing’ that provides the stability and security that students need as they navigate the complexities of their schooling journey. It was also encouraging to hear new parents excited about how well their children are settling into the College. New parents shared their experiences of being welcomed and were looking forward to feeling at home at the College.  


To our experienced, and in many cases longstanding Bayside parents, my encouragement is to continue to build relationships with College staff with the view to strengthening this essential partnership. As time goes on, and students inevitably move through each successive section of the College, it is easy to get familiar and comfortable. It is in this space that we can discover that the strength of partnership is not what it could be as new teachers and support staff replace old and students increase in their capacity to take responsibility for their learning. 


There are many opportunities to refresh and build this partnership. This year you will see market days, camps, excursions, Association gatherings, worship evenings, information evenings and many more. Please make the time to come and build those relationships. 


Andrew Manning, Principal

Deputy's Desk

Dogs on College Grounds

In the interest of the safety and welfare of the whole College community, no family pets are permitted on College property (including the car park) at any time, unless they are registered guide/assistance/therapy dogs that are properly identified (training coat and/or harness), are on a lead and under the control of their owners. 

Parent Conferences

We are pleased that many parents were able to attend either live parent conferences (Tues)   or online conferences (Wed) this week. If you were unable to attend or missed a booking, please email the teachers directly to make arrangements to connect and discuss how we can best support your child/ren's learning and wellbeing.


We would like to gather feedback on the delivery mode of online or in-person conferences to assist us to plan for next semester. Please take a few minutes to complete the survey here. It has also been sent to parents directly via email.



All students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 will undertake NAPLAN online commencing next week from 15 March until 27 March. Please ensure that your child has the required book-listed headphones for these tests. Please see your child's class teacher, or Head of School with any questions, or visit the NAP website www.nap.edu.au for information and access to practice questions for familiarisation. 

Families who do not want their child/ren to participate must see their Head of School and complete the appropriate forms for withdrawal.


Visitors to the College

Families are reminded that all visitors to the College must sign in at reception in A-block (South campus) or N-block (North campus). Once signed in, a tag will be printed and must be clearly displayed in a lanyard. At the end of your visit, the lanyard and tag must be returned to the reception desk and you must sign out again.


Collecting Students During School Hours

In the morning, playgrounds close at 8:55 am. All families should depart at this time. Sign-in at reception is required from 8:55 am. During the day, students may only be collected from the office before 3:15 pm. Please go to reception to sign them out. Teachers will be contacted to send children to the office. Please notify the College in advance if you know you need to collect your child/children early.

Parents may enter the College grounds for student collection without sign in from 3pm and wait in the playgrounds/grounds; however, please note that students cannot be collected from classrooms before 3:15 pm unless officially signed out from the office.


Carpark Expectations

Please remind your children to abide by the carpark expectations and set the example by modelling the correct behaviours. Our primary concern is to keep students safe. Please be patient- it is only 15-20 minutes of busyness each day. In order to ease congestion and keep traffic moving, please refer to the information sent to all families and share it with others who may be bringing your children to, or collecting them from, the College.

Mrs Toni Steinbergs, Deputy Principal

Happy Families

Our school is now subscribed to the Happy Families School Membership! Owned and run by Dr Justin Coulson, one of Australia’s leading parenting experts, the membership offers a wealth of parenting education and resources.

We will regularly share resources available through our membership with you, including Insight Articles and Webinars. You can also access your resources at any time using the below URL (unique to our school) and the password is: happybcc



B2Me: Community Business Directory

Have you discovered the Bayside Christian College B2Me profile? Its purpose is to assist in connecting trusted service providers with the College community in a way that builds valuable relationships. Consider it our very own Yellow Pages or Google!


It takes minutes to create a profile to view and support the many local services offered by members of our community. If you have a business you would like to list, please feel free to add your business profile to our group.
