Holy Cross News and Reminders

What's happening next week.....

Monday 11thLabour Day Public Holiday - No School
Tuesday 12thSCHOOL CLOSURE DAY - No School
Wednesday 13thPreps at school today and every Wednesday
Thursday 14th 
Friday 15th March

St Patrick's Day - Wear something green!

Whole School Prayer Gathering, 3.00pm led by 3A and 3B

Uniform Shop open 8.30am

News and Reminders

*A reminder that School Photo Day is on Monday 25th March. Students need to be in full summer uniform and bring a jumper. All orders are to be completed online at: https://eliteschoolphotography.com.au/    and enter code: ESP202515


*Next Tuesday 12th March is a School Closure Day. Staff will be involved in professional development with a Student Wellbeing focus.


*Easter Raffle tickets were sent home yesterday. If you would like more tickets there are plenty more in the office!


*Prep families are invited to the Parish Prep Welcome Mass on Sunday 17th March at 11.00am at St Brigid's Church, Gisborne.