Kindergarten News

and Upcoming Calendar Events

It's Clean Up Australia Day!

Our kindergarten participated in the Clean Up Australia initiative on Friday 1st of March, to continue our support and passion for the natural world.

We had a small group time in the morning, talking about what the day is about, the importance and why we take part. We also linked this in with our current learning about Wurrundjeri land, and keeping our promise to look after the soil on which we learn and play.

After morning tea, the children put on their special 'clean up' gloves, and we ventured off to begin to clean up our kinder and school. The children were so enthusiastic to participate; exclaiming with excitement when they found rubbish to put into the bin. By the end of the experience, the children were so proud of how clean our gardens and land looked.

We even noticed that the children continued to look out for rubbish when we were walking back to kinder, and after lunchtime.

We aim to embed many sustainable practices into our kinder program and teach the children to care for our earth and environment. This involves recycling, conserving resources and energy and looking after the earth and its creatures. It's important for the children to learn about how the rubbish can get blown into the drains and into the water where animals can think it's food and it can make them very sick. Animals can even get caught or tangled in rubbish and then they can't swim or fly. Participating in days such as "Clean Up Australia Day", is just one way we as a kinder can make a difference in our world (and it was very fun too!).

Please enjoy some photos from our day together :)

Would you like to find our more about our Kinder?

We would love to invite you to tour our kindergarten.  For tours, please contact Charlotte (kindergarten director) on 98971265 or register here (via our website).


The link to our central enrolment system to enroll for 2023 is below: