A message from David 

Principal's Report

Teaching and Learning

Today, we had leaders from a neighbouring school visit to observe our teaching and learning practice, and speak with staff about our curriculum programs. Their purpose was to learn through this experience to implement a similar approach in their educational setting. Ains and I were extremely proud to see how impressed they were by our Box Hill North approaches.  Upon leaving, the visitors reflected on three key take aways that we thought important to share:

  1. ‘There was a genuine sense of calmness across the entire school and kindergarten, with students readily engaged in their learning tasks’;
  2. ‘The timing of lessons was consistent between year levels and across the school, showing a commitment to carefully designed programs’;
  3. ‘All staff were extremely knowledgeable about their role and the curriculum programs that are implemented, with confidence to share insights in depth’.

These reflections have been a focus of our improvement agenda and to hear leaders from another setting observe this in our school is encouraging and a proud moment.  I’d like to sincerely thank the staff of Box Hill North for their relentless focus on providing incredible learning experiences for every child.


Narrowing the Gap

Tomorrow is globally recognised as International Women’s Day. It is timely for us to stop and reflect on all the wonderful and courageous women who have and continue to shape the world around us. Inclusive education is a moral purpose that stands tall in our agenda. This includes shared beliefs of a world that is free of bias, stereotypes and discrimination. Our commitment to the students, staff, parents and community of Box Hill North is an environment that supports diversity, balance and appreciation for human rights. While we have come so far, there is still plenty of room for improvement in this space. It takes a community like ours to lead by example and help make a difference. Thanks for playing your part.


Community Connection

Thank you to all of our families for taking the time to meet with your child’s class teacher. In all of my experience at Box Hill North, this was by far our biggest representation of parent/teacher interviews. The feedback has been really positive and supports a genuine focus on building strong partnerships between the home and school as we collectively work together for every child. If you were unable to find time during the week, our teaching staff would love the opportunity to meet with you. As always, if you have any questions, wonderings or concerns throughout the course of the year, please be in communication with your child’s teacher who will offer their assistance.


Celebrating Milestones

It’s only been a few short weeks but the Foundation students are to be highly commended on their first steps into primary school. The way these children readily engage with their peers, teachers and learning tasks is inspiring. This week is a major milestone in their journey as they have now officially begun ‘full time’.  Today, the students were busy identifying graphemes as part of their phonics program, aligned to reading, writing and spelling. It’s incredible to witness such wonderful learning and growth.


Out of School Hours Care Update

Beth has tendered her resignation from Camp Australia, pursuing an opportunity to work as an Integration Aide. Beth has been a valuable leader in our program and we will miss her friendly smile and work with the children.  On behalf of our community, I wish her the very best in her future endeavours. Camp Australia will coordinate Beth’s replacement.

