Year 12 

In between studying diligently, work placements and filling their heads with knowledge in the classrooms, the Year 12 cohort are making memories of their final year at Baimbridge.

It's been a busy 11 weeks for the Year 12 cohort, VCE students working hard learning content, completing SAC’s, tests, and getting through Unit 3, and now starting Unit 4 which means we have less than halfway to go. The VCE VM students have been busy spending their 2 days a week in the workforce, learning life skills ready for the future and working on their group projects around the school to help improve it, this will involve maintenance, the building of the well-being garden, and the painting of the school walls. They also spent many hours organising the Biggest Morning Tea which took place on the 31st of May, raising money for the Cancer Council, well done to them. 


Mid-Year Dinner

On the 22nd of June, the Year 12’s came together at Groke to celebrate the success of the year so far, this included a meal, drinks, photos, and lots of conversations while being all dressed up. 

Dress Up Days

Dress Up days have been a highlight for all, having a bit of fun during our stressful time. It was fun to see everyone's creativity shine. This term we had a Celebrity and Dream Job dress up. 

General Achievement Test

Most Year 12’s expressed that the GAT was a great taster for what the exam environment will be like at the end of the year and are glad that we don’t have to do it again. 


Our Exchange Program

Starting here at Baimbridge College in July last year, Sofia Traina became a valuable part of our cohort. Coming from Italy she flew 22 hours to Australia not knowing anyone but excited to be an exchange student. She quickly became the class comedian with her easily noticed accent and funny personality. Sofia fitted in like she had been at Baimbridge with us since Year 7. She taught us the Italian culture while we taught her the Australian culture. She became a big fan of Fairy Bread, AFL, and Tim Tams. We also taught her the Nutbush and Macarena.  It was very sad to see her go back as she won't be able to graduate with us, but we are happy to know that she will be back for Uni. 

Ci manchi Sofia!

“ She is very much a morning person” – Charlotte G

“ She always lights up any room she is in” – Erika S

“ She has such an infectious laugh that we will all miss” – Nyree M

“ She loves her coffee even though she really doesn’t  need it” – Chelsea F

“Sofia helped me to realise that Pesto pasta is way better than Mac n Cheese” Victor S


We all deserve a well-rested holiday to recharge, ready to give it our all to tackle the upcoming, intense Term 3. We are excited about the experiences we will gain in our last few months at school and the memories we will make. It is now getting real that our time at High School is coming to an end. 


School Leader, Indianna Freeman