Work Experience & Careers week

Term 2 has been a bustling period of career-focused learning and development, particularly geared towards our Year 9 and 10 students. For our Year 9 cohort, the term kicked off with the Morrisby online profiling, paving the way for insightful one-on-one interviews with career practitioners scheduled for Term 3. In addition, they enthusiastically participated in a week-long Careers education program that included eye-opening visits to key local institutions such as Port of Portland, Alcoa, Deakin University, South West TAFE, HDSC, and engaging sessions with passionate local business owners.


Meanwhile, our Year 10 students have been deeply immersed in Careers classes all semester. They've engaged in activities meticulously designed to explore various industry sectors, while focusing intensely on developing crucial skills like personal attributes, presentation skills, and effective interpersonal communication. Their dedication culminated in successful preparations for and participation in work experience placements, where they have garnered outstanding feedback from employers, highlighting their exemplary representation of Baimbridge College.


These initiatives underscore our commitment to providing comprehensive and impactful career education, equipping our students not only with theoretical knowledge but also with practical skills and confidence to navigate their future career paths successfully. We are proud of the achievements of our students and remain dedicated to fostering their growth and readiness for the challenges and opportunities ahead.