Our connection with the RSL and Legacy is a great source of pride for the school.  We love to give our time to assist both organisations and ANZAC Day is a time where our students shine as they embrace the spirit of respecting and supporting our service men and women and their families, whether it be by raising funds for the RSL in their annual badge selling appeal or paying our respects attending various services in the district.  We also love to cook breakfast at Legacy House for members and guests after the dawn service.  

Our involvement also ties in to the pratice of GEM (Gratitude, Empathy and Mindfulness) from The Resilience Project, the message is that we need to be grateful for the life we lead today on the back of the sacrifices of our veterans. 

Badge Selling

Our Badge Sellers were out and about in the CBD raising $3,848.35 for the RSL on the 23rd April.  Selling badges gives our students the opportunity to understand first hand how much giving their time not only helps the cause they support, but gives them a sense of community connection and a very real sense of accomplishment.  Often speaking to the general public is outside of their comfort zones and they often regale us with the stories they hear from member of the public at the end of their shift.

As is the case for 2024, and 2023, we have had members of the Hamilton community take their time to call the school to let us know how wonderful our kids have been.  This feedback is very much appreciated and always passed on to the students.  

We encourage every student to put their hand up to do a shift over the course of their schooling, it is an important skill to learn to speak to strangers and give back to your greater community.

We sell badges for the RSL pre ANZAC Day, Legacy Badges and Teddies for Legacy House and Poppies pre Remembrance Day for the RSL so there are plenty of opportunities to participate.

Both the RSL and Legacy of Hamilton have sent letters of appreciation for our efforts, we reciprocate their gratitude as they teach us lessons that cannot be taught in the classroom.


ANZAC Assembly

In the years when ANZAC Day falls outside of the holidays, we hold our ANZAC Assembly.  With special guests from the RSL and Legacy House we hold a Commemorative Ceremony in which the SRC undertake various responsibilities from meeting and greeting, reciting odes, MC, laying wreaths and speaking about our special connection with both the RSL and Legacy.  Students attend the formal ceremony, allowing them to take an understanding of the process and the purpose to their various district ceremonies on ANZAC Day.  We thank our special guests from the RSL and Legacy for thier attendance with a special mention to RSL Hamilton President Mr Graeme Mustow, OAM who delivered a very personal and touching speech.



ANZAC Services

ANZAC Day services at Hamilton, Coleraine, Cavendish, Merino, Dunkeld, Glenthompson, Penshurst and Macarthur are attended by our students who lay wreaths on behalf of the school.  We do this to pay our respects at all communities that our students are part of. 


We thank the students themselves for giving their time to represent the school and their parents / carers for getting them to and from the events.  You should all take pride in your efforts as it is a reflection of the genuine care you have for your communities and the support you show for veterans and their families.  


It was especially nice to look around at the Hamilton service and see so many past students who have kept the tradition of attending and now bringing their small children.  The Baimbridge Students in the 315 Australian Army Cadet Unit - Hamilton were also a pleasure to behold, as was Mrs Wilson singing in the footprints choir and past School Council President Shaun McIntyre as the lone bagpiper. 


Anyone who attended the Hamilton march and service may have been wondering why the music sounded familiar, you were not wrong, the tune was our very own school song.  We had a little chuckle at some of our students clapping where we would usually clap when sung as our school song.  Mr Hayes, accompanied by past students Tom and Jervin were proud members of the band.


Breakfast @ Legacy House

Every year we cook a hot breakfast for the veterans, their families, members of the Hamilton RSL and Legacy House Hamilton and their invited guests after the dawn service.  Thank you to all of the volunteers who assisted in this event:  Mr Rob Vecchiet, Dr John Hill, Sharon & Wayne Donehue, Fraser Robinson, along with School Captain Danielle Knight, students Liza Yelland, Xander Densley, Chloe Colquhoun and Zoe Priddle.  


We thank Kiss n Run Egg farmers for their generous donation of the eggs for this event, thank you Carolyn.



We are grateful to the 315 Australian Army Cadet Unit - Hamilton for their efforts with our students, we love that they have the ability to be part of this wonderful opportunity.

Please note that students wearing uniform from other schools have been purposefully blurred to respect privacy re publishing.