
A selection of photography by students is currently on display at Beaufort's ArtTrax Gallery. This work is part of an exhibition linked to the WalkFest community events.
Our photography explores 'Patterns in Nature' along with, creating patterns using nature. The latter examples are in response to artwork created by Andy Goldsworthy.
Visitors are welcome to visit the gallery to celebrate our student work and view artworks by Beaufort Secondary School students and other local artists. The exhibition runs through till October 15th.
Our school wide ceramic pieces have made a round trip to Federation University in Ballarat where they were fired in the Art Department kilns by resident ceramicist, Claire and her staff. This week, we are endeavouring to continue our efforts by adding a splash of colour as part of the next phase towards a Beaufort Show presentation.
Last week, students prepared some work which will be added to the 'Kinder Bags' made for new Foundation students starting in 2024. These bags are a long standing tradition at our school to welcome kindergarten and new children who are transitioning into Foundation.
Here are some colourful and characterful origami owl puppets made by Year 3/4 students.