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St Mary of the Angels Scoop
Merit Awards
Merit Awards
Term 3, Week 9
Fletcher Cleaver for displaying improvement and enthusiasm when working with letter sounds and his energetic participation in games.
Lane Cruickshank for working hard on counting aloud and recognising numbers and his positive attitude towards all activities.
Kane Jones for including peers and sharing materials kindly and showing great enthusiasm for outdoor PE activities.
Paityn Orchard for wonderful work with letters and sounds and developing skills in cooperating with classmates.
Thomas Sawaki-Gillard for listening to sounds as he writes words and sentences.
Haidee Hope for working well to learn new hockey skills of passing and dribbling.
Axel Lockyer for clever counting up to 100 and backwards from 30.
William Neill for his accurate subtraction problem solving skills.
Year 1/2
Ayva Simpson for her wonderful contribution to class discussions.
Tristan Nguyen for being on task and working solidly during Math lessons.
Thomas Laing for being a critical thinker during Math lessons.
Nathan Lane for his on task approach to Phonics lessons and applying the learning to writing tasks.
Samuel Sauer for his creative writing skills and love of learning.
Jack Newberry for demonstrating what it means to be a learner in the classroom.
Year 3/4
Chase for his amazing effort and improvement in reading comprehension.
Vancara for her enthusiastic contributions in class discussions.
Millie for her thoughtful engagement with the problem solving during math inquiries.
Peter for great question asking and connection making in science.
Jack for persisting and trying new problem solving strategies in maths.
Mia for being prepared to put in the effort to learn new skills in cricket and hockey.
Year 5/6
Logan for fantastic work on perimeter.
Flynn for using feedback effectively to improve his work.
Jack C for always doing his best to complete quality work
Brianna for consistently being a role model for other students in the school.
A Look at Learning
Holiday Ideas to keep the children entertained, ARC Library School Holiday Programs, NERAM Workshops, SORA
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Merit Awards