Office News/PAM

School Contact Details
35 Hamilton Street. SHEPPARTON VIC 3630
SCHOOL (03) 5821 3163
KINDER (03) 5821 9982
OSHC 0438 213 163
Office Hours
8.30 am - 4.30 pm Monday - Friday
Family Email Addresses
We ask families to ensure that the office has the correct and up-to-date email address for billing purposes and to send monthly fee statements.
This is the main form of communicating relevant information.
If you have not received your Fee Statement it may mean we have an incorrect email address. Please check your junk folder or contact the office with up-to-date information.
St Mels on PAM
Well done to all of our families who have embraced PAM over the last two terms. Nearly all of our families have at least one active logon, and many people have told us that it is great to be able to access all of their school information in one convenient app. Already PAM has been used to: update our medical records, sign in for parent teacher interviews, advise student absences, give permission for excursions and to keep in touch with the events in our busy school calendar. Your child's Semester 1 School Reports can also be viewed and downloaded from the app.
Remember that PAM/SIMON Everywhere set-up and maintenance help is available at our office. If you need a refresher on how to navigate the app, want to update your email or need to reset your password, you can call us or drop in during office hours.
If you still need to set up for PAM and SIMON Everywhere please call our office and we can guide you through the process. Otherwise, you can work through the instructions on the attached PDF.
School Fee Payment
We rely on your fee payments to provide for school expenses and to provide resources for our students- everything from our electricity bills to excursions and stationery are covered by these fees. Thankyou to the vast majority of families who are actively contributing and have set up their payment plans for 2023.
We have found that families who proactively set up regular payments linked to their pay or Centrelink payment cycles have great success with fee payment. We have established direct debits and Centrepay authorities for the majority of our families over the last two terms. Please find the authority forms for these attached- they can be completed and emailed to us or dropped in at our office. Many other families are making EFT Payments or are paying at the school office.
If you have not started a payment plan for 2023 we urge you to get in touch to discuss this with the school now. Unless you have approval, we require payments to be made at least termly in advance. If you are experiencing financial difficulties please contact our office at your earliest convenience to arrange an appointment with our Principal, Chris Summers, to discuss your individual circumstances. We can help tailor a payment plan with your needs and financial situation in mind.
School Fees & Levies - 2023
Our School Fees & Levies for 2023 are as follows: