Grade 2

Explore the Learning in Grade 2


In Reading this Term there will continue to be a strong focus on comprehension of fiction and non-fiction texts. The students will read a variety of text types and respond to them by completing entries in their Reader’s Notebooks. Students will learn about Author’s Purpose and skills such as questioning, clarifying, visualising and summarising.  

In Writing for Term 4, the Grade 2 students will be focusing on learning to write persuasively. They will practice composing and creating letters and articles that aim to convince a target audience of their opinion through the use of word choice, voice, sentence fluency and ideas. They will develop their conversation skills by discussing persuasive topics linked to our Inquiry topic all about the environment and build their competence in agreeing and disagreeing politely with others.  


In SMART Spelling, students will explore numerous spelling rules and letter patterns and apply these to daily spelling tasks. In Grammar, students will learn how to use punctuation such as end of sentence punctuation, commas, capital letters and quotation marks. They will also learn about parts of speech including nouns, verbs, adjectives, synonyms, antonyms and homophones. 



In Maths this term, students will begin with revising their knowledge of Place Value, including using skip counting to solve number patterns and exploring building, writing, expanding and identifying numbers beyond the thousands. They will also be exploring rounding numbers to the nearest ten, hundred and thousand. Later in the term, the Grade 2 students will learn and use a range of different strategies to solve addition and subtraction number sentences, including using digital technology. They will build a bank of these strategies that they can apply to problem solving situations.  


In Measurement and Geometry, students will continue to build knowledge and proficiency in telling the time to the nearest quarter hour as well as identifying the features of both digital and analogue clocks. They will interpret simple maps of familiar locations and identify the relative positions of key features. Students will also compare and order several shapes and objects based on length, area, volume and capacity using appropriate uniform informal units. 


In Statistics and Probability, students will explore the use of simple graphs, tallies and tables to collect data, as well as conducting chance experiments and determining the likelihood of everyday events using probability language. 



Our Inquiry topic this Term is “Sharing the Earth, Caring for our Environment,” with a focus on the Big Question: How can we help take responsibility to look after our environment? Students will be learning about the 5 R’s and why they are important. Students will visit the Ecolinc facility in Bacchus Marsh to support our Inquiry topic and participate in a rock pool ramble to learn about our local environment. They will also choose topics to write persuasive texts about and discuss their thoughts using skills learned in Speaking and Listening. Students will present an oral presentation to the class about an environmental issue of their choosing. 


Reminders For Grade 2 Students:  

  • Please bring your diary and homework to school each day 
  • Please bring a labelled, wide-brimmed hat to school each day 
  • Make sure you have enough brain food at school, preferably ‘nude food’ without any single use plastics. 
  • Please consult your class Parent Partner to access the Parent Helper Timetable 


Dates for Term 4 

  • November 24th – Grade 2 Day Camp 
  • 1st December – Ecolinc Excursion 
  • 4th – 8th December – Swimming Program 
  • 15th December – School Tabloid Sports Day 


How Parents Can Support Their Grade 2 Child At Home This Term: 

  • Please ensure students are Reading at least 15 minutes a day. Help test comprehension by asking them to retell the story and the main events. 
  • Please ensure students are completing spelling activities at least once or twice a week 


Grade 2 Specialist Subjects Overview  


For our Grade 2 students, Term 4 holds a hula hoop challenge that will put their agility and balance to the test. They will also be honing their throwing and catching skills, which are essential for various sports. As an important aspect of their physical development, they will participate in our comprehensive water safety program to ensure they are well-equipped for aquatic activities.



Grade Two students will be designing and making collagraphs. Collagraphs are printing plates which are made using foam shapes and flat found objects to create a raised image. Paint is then applied to the collagraph, and paper pressed onto it to create a printed image. Through this printmaking process students will learn about shapes, line, texture, and composition. After the printmaking unit, students will engage in art stations that will teach them about ‘artistic’ behaviour namely the ability to design, organise materials, create, clean-up, show and explain artworks. 



Over Term Four students will be out in the garden learning about companion planting. They will take part in planting and caring for pumpkin, sweet corn, climbing beans and tomatoes. Students will also investigate what makes healthy soil and how this impacts the food we grow. They will also continue to build their knowledge on the local environment and how to look after it. This will focus on the animals that live there including marine animals and how to be a responsible beach user. Grade Two students will also engage with a rock pool ramble down at the bluff as part of their learning.



Grade 2 Students will begin the term with engaging games to revise previously learned vocabulary. They will then move onto this term’s topic, Body Parts. Students will create their own imaginary characters. They will learn and use a range of vocabulary to describe their character in detail. Students will build on their conversation skills through roleplaying with their peers with language based around ‘I like, I can and I want’. Grade 2 students will finish the term with some fun holiday celebration activities.