Grade 6

Explore the Learning in Grade 6

Welcome back to another exciting term for our students. Their final term at primary school. While continuing the momentum with our curriculum learning, students will also be working on some special celebration projects to round out their time at primary school. 


Reading Overview  

This term in Reading students will continue to engage in further developing their knowledge and use of comprehension strategies. Specifically, our focus will be on the following: reading behaviors, setting goals, comparing and contrasting, synthesising, summarising, connections, literal and inferred questioning, research skills and examining media texts related to our Term 4 Inquiry. Students, as a part of our daily reading program will continue to complete entry models related to these strategies in their Reader’s Notebooks whilst also being afforded opportunities to read independently, view multimedia texts and ‘free read for enjoyment’.    


Writing Overview  

As we transition into Term Four, our focus shifts to the pressing theme of sustainability. Our writing is deeply intertwined with our inquiry, centered primarily on the question: "How do people genuinely make a positive difference in our world?" We aim to inspire learners to explore ways they can positively impact the environment while fostering a proactive mindset. Central to our Grade Six approach is the seamless integration of Reading and Writing with our inquiry topics. This method not only ensures contextual relevance but also optimises student engagement. Over their academic journey, students have honed a diverse set of literacy skills such as summarising, big-picture thinking, an in-depth grasp of writing traits, and establishing text-to-world connections. This term, our primary objective is a culminating open-ended project where students will prepare, strategise, and showcase a plan highlighting their potential impact on our local or global community. Additionally, as a cohort, we'll be revising, editing, and publishing our Anthology of short stories initiated in Term Three, enriched with valuable feedback from a published author. At the project's conclusion, we invite our families and friends to a publishing party, offering an opportunity to purchase our students' published book! 


Numeracy Overview  

This term for statistics and probability students will be looking at location and transformation and the cartesian plane, students will be Quantifying Chance as a Fraction, Decimal & Percent. 

For measurement and geometry students will be using and interpreting timetables which will be a lifelong skill to help navigate the next few exciting years of their lives. We will also connect volume and capacity and their units of measurement. 

In Number and algebra students will be using the skills they have learnt over the last few years to solve differentiated problems. And learn how to calculate percentages. 



This Term our Inquiry theme is Sharing the Earth and Caring for our Environment, with the ‘big question’ being ‘How do People Really Make a Positive Difference in our World?’ During this unit we aim for students to gain awareness of the environmental issues facing their local area, linking these to wider issues facing the world. Awareness of human impact on the environment, and sustainable advancements and initiatives will also be built through viewing the 2040 and War on Waste documentaries, engaging in the Coastal Custodians program and actioning ideas with Barwon Coast to better understand and improve the local environment.   



Students from Grade 6 participated in the Divisional Softball, both teams made it through to the regional tournament to be held on the 24th of October. 

There are still a number of second and third round sports coming up this term, we wish all students all the best. 










Reminders And Dates For Grade 6 Students  

  • 13th of October – Division Basketball 
  • 24th of October – Regional Softball 
  • 26th of October – Regional Volleyball 
  • 3rd of November – Regional Cricket 
  • 21st of November – Wetlands Environmental and Cultural Learning Excursion 
  • 27th – 29th of November – Grade 6 Camp 
  • 18th of December - Graduation 
  • 19th of December - Adventure Park 
  • 20th of December – Last Day of Primary School 

How Parents Can Support Their Grade 6 Child At Home This Term 

  • To encourage students to build effective study habits in readiness for secondary school they can complete the following tasks at home each week. 
  • Continue to encourage students to read at home each night. 
  • Students can be practising their weekly spelling words 2-3 times a week. 
  • Students can be working on their Essential Assessment personalised goals from home 2 – 3 nights per week.


Grade 6 Specialist Subjects Overview  


Our senior students will have the chance to dive into the worlds of cricket and hockey. These sports will not only enhance their physical abilities but also teach them valuable lessons about strategy, teamwork, and sportsmanship. We encourage their active participation and enthusiasm in these exciting sports.



Grade Sixes will begin a unit on mono-printing. While learning about line and shape students will engrave foam plates and make a series of prints using their own design. Their final weeks of visual art will be about students taking over the process. As artists, students will act independently to plan, create and display an artwork of their own making. Students will also be responding to artworks by Holbein, Brueghel, Rembrandt and Velaquez. 



This term the Grade Six students are focussing on experiments in preparation for Year Seven science. They will learn to write up their own experiments, hypothesise and record their findings. Over the term they will be conducting a variety of different experiments, predicting using their prior knowledge and learning about and conducting fair tests. 



Grade 6 Students will begin the term with engaging games to revise previously learned vocabulary. The focus topic for this term is ‘The City’. Students will learn the vocabulary for a range of shops and buildings that we see in the city. They will use prepositions including on top, inside, in front, behind and next to, to describe the location of specific objects within the city. Students will finish the term with some fun holiday celebration activities.