Grade 4

Explore the Learning in Grade 4

Literacy Overview  

In  writing in Term 4 , students will have completed narratives that will be published in a class novel. There will be a book launch to celebrate this achievement, and copies will be available to pre-purchase, with further details in the coming weeks. Students will also create a range of texts incorporating poetry, persuasive, and informative writing, to engage their chosen audience.  

Reading has seen students explore a wide range of fiction, non-fiction and multimodal texts through the lens of our space-themed inquiry unit. They have had the chance to analyse, compare, and contrast texts, as well as investigate the strategies used by authors to engage and inform the reader.  

To hone skills in speaking and listening, students have been participating in class discussions about books and writing pieces. They have also practiced giving and acting on feedback and making presentations to their peers. 


Numeracy Overview  

In Term 4 for Mathematics ‘Number and Algebra’, students will continue to identify fractions on a number line, recognise common equivalent fractions in familiar contexts and make connections between fractions and decimal notations up to two decimal places. Students will continue number sequences involving multiples of single-digit numbers and unit fractions and locate them on a number line. Students will be extended to recognise place value system can be extended to tenths and hundredths. 2 – 3 sentences for number & algebra   


In Term 4 for ‘Measurement and Geometry’, students will be learning to use formulas and instruments to measure volume, angle, area, capacity of shapes and objects. Students will explore telling the time and investigate relationships between units of time. Using an analogue clock, students will use different forms of notion including past minutes, quarters and half past/to. 


In Term 4 for ‘Statistics and Probability’, students will be learning to identity events where one cannot happen if the other happens, events where the outcome is not affected by the occurrence of the other, describe and order the chance of everyday events occurring. Students will showcase their learning through undertaking a variety of experiments involving outcomes along the probability line. Students will be extended through showing their outcomes in fractions and decimals. 


Inquiry Overview  

During Term 4 our unit of inquiry will explore Earth and Space Science. While exploring this topic students will develop a further understanding of the Earth, Moon and Sun. They will then make the connections about how these impact our daily life. They will explore the affects of gravity on the Earth, the Earths rotation, the Earths orbit around the sun, the moons orbit around the Earth and their relative sizes.  


Reminders And Dates For Year 4 Students  

  • Odd Weeks Gardening sessions: 4A and 4B. 
  • Even Weeks Gardening sessions: 4C and 4D. 
  • Book Launch date TBC – please keep an eye out on Compass. 
  • 25th October: Geelong Cup 
  • 1st November – 3rd November: Grade 5 Camp 
  • 6th November: Pupil Free Day 
  • Week 11: Reports home 

How Parents Can Support Their Year 4 Child At Home This Term 

  • Reading for a minimum of 20 minutes per night and recording this in their diary 
  • Practicing your child’s spelling words with them  
  • Checking in on Friday with your child about their ‘Effort and Behaviour Matrix’ reflection for the week which will be pasted in their diary.   

Grade 4 Specialist Subjects Overview  


The students in Grade Four will embark on an adventure in throwing and catching, where they will refine their accuracy and coordination. Additionally, they will learn the fundamentals of basketball, including dribbling, shooting, and teamwork. It's an excellent opportunity for them to explore a popular sport and develop valuable skills. For the Grade Four students, the term will conclude with our water safety program. 



This term, Grade Four students will be investigating patterns, repetition and rhythm as they create artworks that are inspired by mandalas. Students will be making printing plates that will allow for multiple colours and textures to be displayed in the final image. Following printmaking Grade Fours will begin a ‘student as artist’ program. During this time children will have control over subject matter, materials, and approach. The resulting pieces should reflect growth in the areas of creativity, innovation, independence, decision making, and problem solving. 



The Grade Four's will be exploring and using microscopes this term. They will be learning about the different parts of a microscope, how to take care of them and their history. Students will learn how to view things correctly and view a variety of different objects. Students will also be looking at the local plants of the Barwon Heads area including our coastal woodland environment (Moonah). They will learn about some of the plants that make up this ecosystem and identify them by drawing and looking at key features.



Grade 4 Students will begin the term with engaging games to revise previously learned vocabulary. The topic this term is Fruit and Vegetables. During this topic, students will learn about Indonesian fruit as well as the vocabulary for their favourite fruit and vegetables. Students will practise bargaining at the market and describe their likes and dislikes. They will finish the term with some fun holiday celebration activities.