This Week's Birthdays

Congratulations and best wishes to those celebrating their birthday this week. 

This week our badges acknowledges St Gabriel he is the patron of communication workers. He is often portrayed in a way that emphasizes his wings, accenting his ability to carry God’s word to people.

Kinsley 2A

Reyan Prep D 

Kaylan 5C

Daniel Prep A 

Lenard Prep B 

Kefin 6D 

Ryan 1A

Christiano 3C

Benjamin 6A 

Verlee Prep B

Isaac 3B

Nila Prep D

Rosio 5B

Ricardo 5D

Lorena 5B

Ella 4B

Harnidh 2C

Reon 3C

Olivia 5D

Abellamary 2B

Georgis 4A

Marsela 5B