SAC & PFA News 

School Advisory Council


It is with great appreciation and gratitude that we acknowledge the remarkable contributions of our current School Advisory Council (SAC) members. Under the guidance of our current Chair, Michael Ilott, and Secretary, Seamus Power, along with the dedicated members Imogen Lewis, Nick Mitchell, Simon Lewin, Michelle Murphy, Bern Bradley, and Fr. John, our SAC has consistently strived to ensure the prosperity and development of St. Columba's.


Your collective experience, wisdom, and commitment to the welfare and success of our school community have been instrumental in shaping the direction of our school. With your valuable insights and tireless dedication, you have helped to ensure that every child at St. Columba's has the opportunity to flourish and succeed.


We express our heartfelt gratitude to the departing SAC members, Michael, Nick, and Seamus, for their years of devoted service and the wealth of knowledge and wisdom they have shared with us. Your expertise has been invaluable, and we are profoundly thankful for your support.


It is with great enthusiasm that we open nominations for the School Advisory Committee. This is an opportunity for you, as parents and guardians, to become actively involved in the governance of our school and help shape the future of St. Columba's.


The SAC plays a vital role in advising and supporting the school's leadership team, addressing key educational and operational matters, and ensuring that our school continues to provide the best possible environment for our children's growth and education. We invite parents and guardians who are passionate about our school's mission and are committed to its progress to consider nominating themselves for this important role.


If you are interested in nominating yourself for the School Advisory Committee, please submit your nomination in writing to me,,. by 1 December 2023. Details about the nomination process and the roles and responsibilities of SAC members can be found below.


We look forward to welcoming new members who will bring fresh perspectives and ideas to the SAC, continuing the tradition of excellence that we hold dear at St. Columba's.


Thank you for your ongoing support, and we anticipate another successful year of collaboration, growth, and achievement for our school and our students.



Expression of interest welcome for the St Columba’s School Advisory Council 2024


As of January 2021, like all the Catholic parish and diocesan schools in the Melbourne Archdiocese, St Columba’s Primary is now under the guidance of Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools Ltd (MACS).  As such every school has a School Advisory Council as a way of giving parents and guardians a chance to be involved in the school.


Below are listed some of the ways a School Advisory Council can give advice to the Principal and Leadership in the school – there are many other areas as well.


  • The Religious Education program
  • Curriculum
  • Enrolments and enrolment policy
  • School resources
  • Improvements in the school
  • Annual Report to the school community
  • Family partnerships

I invite you to nominate yourself in writing to me,,. Please provide any relevant information that would support your expressions of interest e.g. areas of particular interest and expertise. Closing date 1 December 2023.


As the year draws to a close, I wanted to take a moment to express our heartfelt appreciation to the Parents and Friends Association (PFA) for their unwavering dedication and support throughout this year. The PFA plays a pivotal role in enhancing the educational experience of our students and fostering a strong sense of community within our school.


The commitment and hard work of the PFA have been instrumental in raising funds and organizing social engagements that bring our school community together. Without their tireless efforts, many of the enriching occasions that we have come to appreciate at St. Columba's would not be possible. To every volunteer who has contributed their time and effort, we extend our deepest thanks.


In addition to our gratitude towards the PFA, I would also like to express our appreciation to the current class representatives. Your dedication in keeping the wheels turning for your respective year levels, organizing extra catch-ups, social nights, and rallying volunteers, has been truly remarkable, especially as we navigate the challenges of emerging from the COVID years. Your support has been invaluable and has greatly contributed to the unity and strength of our school community.


Looking ahead to the year 2024, we are excited to announce that we are calling for nominations for the role of Class Representatives for the upcoming year. Class Reps are vital members of our school community, acting as liaisons between parents, teachers, and the school administration. They play an essential role in fostering a sense of belonging and ensuring that the unique needs and interests of each year level are met.


If you are passionate about our school's mission and wish to actively contribute to our vibrant community as a Class Representative for the year 2024, we encourage you to consider nominating yourself please submit your nomination in writing to me,,. by 1 December 2023.


Your involvement as a Class Rep can make a significant difference, and we look forward to welcoming new representatives who will continue the tradition of support and camaraderie that defines our school.


Once again, thank you to the PFA and the current Class Reps for your dedication and service. Your efforts have enriched the lives of our students and strengthened our school community.