P & F News
P & F News
Welcome St. Fidelis' families to Term 4 – the P&F members hope that you had a wonderful school break with your children. We have much to celebrate this term, and plenty of information to pass on to you! Please read on for all your need-to-know information.
Thank you.
P&F Morning Tea – Friday 6th October , 9:30am , staffroom
P&F Meeting – Wednesday 11th October, 7:00pm staffroom
Lunch Order Day – Friday October 20th
Crazy Camel Artwork – Online ordering opens Monday 23rd October
St. Fidelis Family Night – Saturday October 28th
Colour Fun Run – Friday 8th December
On the first Friday of every month the P&F will be hosting a FREE morning tea straight after assembly, in the school staffroom. We invite all parents/carers to attend and have a cuppa and light refreshments with us. The next morning tea is this Friday 6th October.
We encourage you to attend as we would love to keep building on the wonderful school community that we already have. The morning tea will run until approximately 10:30am or thereabouts. See you there 😊
Join us on Wednesday ,11th October @7pm in the school staffroom for our P&F meeting. All are welcome to attend and engage in discussions that will centre around our Term 4 events and activities. We hope to see you there.
On Friday 20th October, the P&F are organising a lunch day for the children of St. Fidelis' children. Food items available are PIZZA and GELATI! QuickCliq ordering is now open and will close on Friday 13th October. Please see flyer for detailed information. Thank you.
Put your dancing shoes on for a FUN night out because you are invited to the annual St. Fidelis Family Night. Booked for October 28th at THE CALABRIA CLUB in Brunswick. For only $50 per adult and $25 per child you will receive a 3-course meal, soft drinks and DJ.
Tables will accommodate groups of 12, so start organising between you and your friends. Tickets are NOW OPEN ON QUICKCLIQ, so please make your purchases quickly as places will be limited for first in, first served!
IMPORTANT – Extended community ARE NOW WELCOME so please invite your family members and friends to attend. Please add in the notes section of your ticket purchase the name of the St. Fidelis family the attendees are associated with, and the P&F will try their hardest to ensure that they are seated on a table next to you.
See flyer for further information, we can’t wait to see you there 😊
It’s back – the most creative fundraiser of all time. Turn your child’s artwork into keepsakes such as Calendars, Diaries, Tote Bags, Sketchbooks, Pillowcases, Greeting Cards, Tea Towels or Notebooks. These keepsakes are sure to be a memorable item for you and your child AND they even make for the most personal Christmas gift for your extended family and friends!
Parents, it’s a simple fundraiser… just follow these steps:
Have your child return their artwork to their classroom teacher before the due date of 16th October.
Please note, this URL is not currently active and won’t be until 23rd October.
The P&F would like to thank you in advance for your support with this fundraiser!
Save the date – On Friday 8th December, the St. Fidelis' students will have an AMAZINGLY FUN DAY participating in the Colour Fun Run. Further information on this event coming shortly. Thank you!
And please, if you have any ideas to help with fundraising or event organisation, general queries relating to P&F NEWS, are able to provide goods/services for use in fundraising events or if you would like to join our team, please contact:
JOSIE SERVELLO - 0421 076 580 josieservello@gmail.com