Learning & Teaching 

Learning and Teaching encompasses the following areas: Student Outcomes, Curriculum, Assessment, Reporting, Principles and Pedagogy.

LITERACY - Vira Pirrotta


WOW! What a great way to end Term 3 by celebrating the success and achievements of our students at our Celebration of Learning. There were some remarkable designs and creations. The students were beaming with pride and excitement as they shared their learning and discussed the design process with their parents and fellow students. Walking around the learning spaces gave us a beautiful snapshot of our students' ongoing learning journey. It was great to hear the students talk about what they had been learning and how successful they had been during their learning. 


Thank you to the teachers, staff and students who worked tirelessly throughout the term to create such amazing and creative designs for our Celebration of Learning. Our students truly outdid themselves, presenting their learning with such confidence. 


The "Celebration of Learning" was not only a showcase of your achievements but a great way to bring together our community to share our learning achievements. We are very grateful to all the families who attended and made our celebration of learning a successful event. 


Once again congratulations to all the students on your fantastic accomplishments last term. We look forward to Term 4 and some more great learning. 


Check out the photos from the event. 

SPORT & PE - Michael Jennings

The Harry, Lui & Sebastian won the grand final for the Taricani Soccer Tournament Cup and the Keilor Soccer Cup.