Middle Years News

Year 7 and Year 8 Sport Education tournament in Term 4
This term, all students in Year 7 and 8 Sport Ed are competing in a class verse class tournament with an emphasis on sportspersonship, respect and fun! After four competitive weeks' gruelling home and away competition, earning points from competing in the sports of basketball, netball, rounders, soccer and initiative games, the points are tight with many classes sharing equal first and second position. Keep an eye out in the final newsletter of the year for an announcement of the grand final winners!
Congratulations also to those students who have been voted best and fairest in the first four weeks by their teachers (see photos attached). Unfortunately, some competitions this term have been cancelled due to rain, but a big congratulations to all students participating and earning points for their class so far!
Claire Murray
Health, Physical Education and Sport Ed Domain Leader
Middle Years Team
Mathew Delaney Director of Learning: Middle Years | Regan Garner Middle School Administrator
| Jordan Dunn Year 9 Coordinator
| Kirby Sens Year 8 Coordinator
| Stuart Kofoed Year 7 Coordinator | Lauren Hughes Middle Years Coordinator