Carnivals & Interschool Sport and House news

Strong performances continue from Koonung students!
Congratulations to the following students for their participation and achievements in the State Track and Field competition held on Monday 16 October:
3rd - 3000m (Nate Uecker)
2nd - 100m (Sophie Zarafa)
2nd - 200m (Sophie Zarafa)
8th - 1500m (Johnny Millar)
8th - 1500m (Grace Sharkie)
3rd - 1500m (Nate Uecker)
6th - 4x100m Relay (Gypsy Shoar, Giselle Uecker, Grace Sharkie, Zarah Shepherd)
3rd - 4x100m Relay (Sophie Zarafa, Annabelle Field, Evelyn Heath, Samaya Uecker)
A very special mention to Sophie Zarafa who was STATE CHAMPION for 2023 in the following events:
1st - Long Jump (Sophie Zarafa)
1st - Triple Jump (Sophie Zarafa)
1st - High Jump (Sophie Zarafa)
We are so incredibly proud of all the students in their achievements as well as their consistent support of each other from the side lines.
The following teams competed in the EMR competitions over the past 2 weeks. All students played in good spirits, worked together as a team and represented our school with pride and positivity. We look forward to the more success and fun in the future.
Year 7 Girls Cricket
Year 8 Boys Cricket
Year 8 Girls Volleyball
Year 8 Girls Basketball
Intermediate Boys Cricket
EMR Athletics
EMR Basketball
State Athletics
As I will be moving on from Koonung in 2024, I would like to take this opportunity to say a huge thank you to all the students who have participated in the Sport program over the last 5 years. I have truly loved getting to know you, supporting you and watching you succeed in each of your varying passions. It has given me so much joy watching some of you grow and develop as athletes and others, giving it a red hot go and representing our school with pride.
A big thank you also to all the parents who have spent countless hours keeping up with all the events on Compass as well as attending various events as helpers or a support for our students. The Sport program has always been such an important aspect of the Koonung community, with so many students engaging, participating and taking advantage of the opportunity to be involved in another avenue of school life. I hope that the memories you take away from school include some of the Carnivals or sport days and that this will continue in the years to come. Signing off for the last time.....
Samantha Prosenak
Interschool Sport/Carnivals Coordinator
Victorian State Final Chess – Koonung takes 2nd in the State!
After competing in the qualifying Northern Star Chess Interzonal tournament, Koonung had 6 students qualify for the Secondary Open State Final (Ben Harding [12], James Lonnen [12], Jonas Wong [12], Darren Tsai [7], Josiah Ng [8], Stefan Lee [8]) and 1 student qualified for the Secondary Girls State Final (Molly Doyle [10]).
On October 9th the Open team met early at Koonung to make the trip to St Oliver’s in Pascoe Vale in our self-described Chessmobile for the State Final. Excitement and anticipation was high, with lots of chatter about the various opening strategies and mating attacks that would be used on Koonung’s opponents in the tournament. The team should be commended for their fantastic inclusivity among all players.
Games got underway at the large tournament, featuring 49 schools, and over 300 players. Koonung started well, and in the middle of the tournament we were in the Top 20, a great result thus far and one we would have been very content with. As the rounds continued, Koonung’s performances continued to improve until improbably, and unbelievably Koonung had an almost unassailable position at 2nd in the tournament coming into the final round. Some great performances ensured this result, and Koonung became the official runner-up at the State Final!
There were a number of fantastic contributions, with James Lonnen (6/8) and Ben Harding (6/8) achieving a Bronze medal for the Year 11/12 division, and Josiah Ng and Darren Tsai contributing with 6/8 for our team score of 24/32. A fantastic effort from Stefan Lee and Jonas Wong who contributed greatly to our qualification for the event, and played some great chess on the day.
This was a marvellous effort, and demonstrated how capable Koonung students are. There was a fantastic level of collegiality shown by all schools, and a special connection between the competing public schools. The whole Koonung community is so proud of these exceptional students, and thank the entire chess team for their participation in this tournament. We especially thank the outgoing Year 12 students for their great participation in Koonung Chess over the years and wish them luck in their next journey.
The Secondary Girls Final was held at Penleigh and Essendon Grammar, where Molly Doyle represented Koonung. Molly finished with a score of 4/7, a brilliant result that improved upon her Interzonal score significantly. Unfortunately Koonung did not have enough players to qualify for the team score, but we hope to field a strong team of female students in the coming years. A fantastic effort by Molly who came 13th out of 37 participants.
Well done to the entire Chess team!
Koonung Chess is thriving – join in by coming to the next tournament, and coming to Chess Club on Friday lunchtimes!