Year 6

Hello from 6V

Term 2 is the start of a very busy period for Year 6 students!


Not only do we start thinking about and planning our Musical, but we are also … ramping up for camp, starting to think about high school transition, attending Summer Lightning Premiership, training for Winter Lightning Premiership, participating in Athletics Day, all in between our regularly scheduled learning. 


On Wednesday of Week 3, Year 6 students went to EMC to experience some high school-type classes, learn a bit about following a map and timetable to get to class, and had a general Q&A session.


We stayed together as a class for the class sessions, but combined at the start and conclusion of the day – as well as enjoyed the massive oval and play space at EMC.

To begin, students had a PE session that involved teams, shooting goals, and collecting points. It was a really fun and frantic time, with the winning team scoring almost double the points of the runner-ups.


Drama class saw students organise themselves into different categories in the effort to be the winning team each time: oldest to youngest, number of siblings, shoe size, etc.

Maths was a fantastic exploration of tangrams and a challenge to make as many squares as possible using a combination of different shapes.


Finally, we were hosted by current EMC Program students to talk about the different specialist programs, their benefits, and some of the key areas of difference compared to the mainstream classes.


Students came away from the day with a range of new experiences, and a slight introduction to what life in high school could very well be like.