Year 3

Hello from 3D

We are thrilled to share that the students in 3D have kicked off the term with enthusiasm and dedication. From collaborative learning to embracing our school values, our students have shone brightly.  We will continue to focus on curiosity, growth and achievement.


Our learners have engaged in exploring our local community and the services that it offers. Students researched our community and the vital role that it plays in our lives.  They’ve confidently presented their knowledge to their peers and helped to build their vocabulary and knowledge of the world around them.

Finally, we would like to share some pictures of us improving our literacy skills.  We have been working on editing our writing and including language features such as: exciting openers, paragraphs, effective descriptive vocabulary and dialogue.  In our class we have a love of reading. Our ability to respond to different texts, shows how much we are learning and growing.