Year 1

Hello from 1C

Wow! What an amazing start to the term in 1C! Already this term we have practised and performed at assembly. The students worked really hard to practise the songs and remember the actions.


We have been using our ‘show me boards’ in literacy each morning. Show me boards allow students to be active members of their learning and have frequent opportunities to demonstrate skills. They have done a remarkable job learning the process that goes along with this learning tool. 


Students have also begun ‘fluency pairs’ each day. This is an opportunity for students to read a text at their level with a partner. During this time students are supporting each other to improve their reading through coaching.

This term in Maths we have begun investigating addition and subtraction strategies. Students have enjoyed learning and playing new games and using various resources to represent addition and subtraction problems. Student have also been able to use their ‘show me boards’ during number talks at the beginning of the lesson.

We are looking forward to the rest of the term, especially our Coal Creek excursion in a few weeks time!