Principal's Report

Education Week 2024
Next week is Education week. This year there is a focus on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)
We would like to invite all parents and carers to visit their child/ren’s classroom to engage in activities with a STEM focus. Classrooms will be open from 2.30pm on Wednesday 15th May. We hope you can make it and enjoy an afternoon at LPS!
Some Important Information
With recent online concerns of parents, teachers and the wider community it is incumbent upon me to share advice from the eSafety Commissioner regarding inappropriate content that may be present on various applications and platforms:
Please read the advice below:
Children and young people may not deliberately seek out inappropriate content. They may inadvertently access content while undertaking online searches, they may seek it out, or be referred to it by others.
Young people with smartphones might also be able to discover content that may be blocked by home and school internet filters. Offensive or illegal content may include topics, images or other information that are prohibited in Australia or could be damaging to young people online. Offensive or illegal content can expose children to concepts that they are not ready to manage and that may breach social and cultural norms. Some content can be distressing for children.
They may not report it to parents or teachers as they may be ashamed of what they have seen, particularly if they sought it out.
- Encourage your child to tell you about inappropriate content they have come across and make a complaint about specific content.
- Limit their exposure to inappropriate content by supervising their online time where possible.
- Install filters, labels and safe zones that enable you to reduce their risk of exposure to unsuitable or illegal sites.
- Keep them connected to trusted friends and family online and offline.
- Help your child use search engines to locate websites. Consider developing a list of favourites for younger children.
- Reassure your child that access to the internet will not be denied if they tell you about seeing inappropriate content.
- If you are worried, or your child is vulnerable, please seek professional support.
- Report inappropriate content to the site administrator.
The Office can investigate complaints about content that may be illegal or prohibited. Report this content to
Late Drop Off
If you drop your child/ren off to school late, they must be signed in late by a parent at the office. Children are not to come to the office to sign themselves in. I appreciate your future support in this matter.
EMC Staff Carpark
Please note that the EMC car park is not to be used to park in before school. After school, the boom gates are scheduled to open at 3.40pm to allow parents to park in preparation for basketball training etc.
Mother’s Day Stall
Thanks again to our wonderful PFA for organising and running our annual Mother’s Day stall.
I hope all mothers, those who take on the role as the mother and those who may be missing their mother are able to celebrate and pay thanks to those who do/did a great deal for us!
Have a great fortnight,
Mr Moorhouse