School Sport

Term 2 Interschool Sports

Mixed Netball - Thursday 18th April

The students were resilient against older and bigger opposition. No other team had girls and I would like to shout out to Lydia and Soha for not being shy or scared to participate, being an integral part of the team. I was impressed by how encouraging and supportive everyone was with each other, making sure everyone participated and sharing positions and the ball around.  This school spirit will carry on back at school promoting interschool sports and participation by even more students.

Mr Matt Davies

Team netball began a couple of moths ago when we started training on our lunch breaks with Mr Davies. He was encouraging considering no one had played netball before. He helped us understand the rules and come together as a team. I was very proud of our team yesterday. I saw a lot of growth through the team from when we first started training to game day which was a massive improvement. For example, Armaan couldn’t make many shots in training but after putting in the effort was our best shooter. Yesterday, at Eagle Stadium during our games we were challenged by other schools with older students, but we didn’t let that defeat us. Cooper was outstanding in the centre and ran all day. Prabhnoor was powerful in defence especially during our game against The Grange. We didn’t get a win, but we had fun and continued to learn about the game, we were also able to meet new school mates through this process. Everyone showed our school values by participating positively, by listening and showing respect and making sure we supported one another.

Jack D 7F


Girls Netball - Monday 22 April

On the 22nd of April 2024 the YR 7 Girls team went to Eagle Stadium to play Netball against 3 schools. The schools that our girls played against were The Grange, Good News Lutheran and Bemin. We managed to win 2 of our 3 games. All the girls gave their best efforts throughout the day and tried really hard. 

Kuini, 7D