Homework & Study

​Term 2 Homework Expectations

This term teachers have started to assign students homework across all subject areas. As per the Homework Policy, which can be found on the College website, students in Year 7 can expect to be completing up to 30 - 40 minutes of homework each school night. In addition we recommend that all students undertake 20 minutes of reading each day. This can include novels, magazines, newspapers, storybooks.


Homework given by teachers this term will be directly linked to the current topic and include:

  • tasks not completed within class time
  • tasks to reinforce the learning from the current topic
  • preparation for assessment tasks

Homework is displayed to students in their Mentor Classrooms. They are responsible for taking note of what homework they have and the due dates. Parents/carers are encouraged to check in with their children about the current homework tasks.


Homework tasks will be checked by the classroom teachers and feedback provided when necessary.


On nights where students do not have homework set by the teacher, we encourage students to undertake their own study. Study differs from homework in that it is student directed and involves reviewing work completed throughout the course of the year.


It is important for students to begin developing study habits in Year 7 to set them up for success in their Senior education. Study can include:

  • prereading texts, worked examples or concepts to prepare for future lessons  
  • reviewing notes or rereading texts from earlier topics
  • doing practice questions from all concept areas covered this year
  • learning quotes, formulas or important facts

Work completed whilst studying at home will not be monitored by the teacher. Students may request feedback from their teacher if desired.

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