Art Installation

Year 7 Visual Art

Year 7 Visual Art

All Year 7 Visual Arts students at Brinbeal Secondary College participated in creating a Collaborative Mural with the theme “ME.” Each student completed a 3D pyramid which included their name, their self portrait and elements that described them as an individual.

Each student’s pyramid was assembled on a painted surface depicting the school’s logo and each of our school’s houses. The work signifies that we are all individuals but that each of us is a valued part of Brinbeal Secondary College.




Aaryan 7B

Making our collaborative mural was an amazing experience and a perfect opportunity to test everything that we had learned about colours and art styles. This project helped us all to work towards one common goal and that was to make an awesome mural that every Year 7 student contributed to.

Feeza 7H 

 I enjoy expressing myself through Art so I really liked doing this artwork for a Collaborative Mural, especially when I was drawing the things that express me.



Soha 7B

When we did the Collaborative Mural I enjoyed the part when we got to make the final pyramid.  This artwork allowed me to step outside of my comfort zone and be more creative with the things that I draw.


Huzaifah 7B

Making my pyramid for the Year 7 Collaborative Mural was really fun. I had the chance to share my hobbies and things that I like with my friends. The end result with all the bright colours gave it life and made it stand out. 

Prabhnoor 7B 

I liked doing the Collaborative Mural because the self portrait requirement was fun.  It was good because I was able to draw lots of things that described me. I liked making the 3D pyramid form too. It was worth all the effort involved in gluing it together!

Aleeysa 7B

I liked it when I thought about the variety of things that I could include on my pyramid design. I had to choose three main ideas and then draw and colour them. I liked doing this Collaborative Mural because it helps my brain expand in creativity.