House Names Announced

Over the course of Term 1 and the start of Term 2, all students worked collectively decide on the final names for our 4 college Houses. Students originally put forth proposals for themes such as plants, seasons, street names, animals etc. 


Our SRC representatives then collected votes from their Mentor Groups, with the winning theme being Animals.


Following on from this, Brinbeal Secondary College consulted with the Bunurong Land Council to collect a list of animals translated into traditional Bunurong language.


Once again, students voted on which animal they would like their House to be named after.                               


Final House Names:

Blue House: Kooira - Kangaroo

Green House: Warrat - Frog

Purple House: Coolup - Emu

Orange House: Warreen - Wombat



The next step is to design our House logos. Students will again be actively involved in this process.