Principal's Message

Dear Families, Students and Community Members,


Welcome back to term 2. We hope all students (and families) had a nice break.


Term 2 is a busy term, and we have already in the first 3 weeks had students involved in a number of college events.


Anzac Day Service

Last week the College held a whole school assembly to recognise Anzac Day and to reflect as a community. The service was led by one of our School Captains, and included a talk on the importance of Anzac Day and why we stop and remember, students also listened to the Last Post.


The assembly was a great example of excellent student leadership, and the importance of engaging with our wider school community, and I thank everyone involved for the smooth running of this important event.


House Events: 


Cross Country

On the afternoon of Wednesday 24th, we got together as a whole school for our first annual Cross Country Event. The weather did us a huge favour by staying sunny and dry as we got together to see which house could take out our first inaugural House event. All students are to be congratulated on completing the 3km event and earning points for their house.


Athletics Day 

This week on Wednesday 1st May, all students participated in our first College Athletics Day. Being our first year, this year we were able to run the day a little different to how they would normally be organised. Throughout the day, all students got the opportunity to participate in all track and field events with their House. Throughout the day students represented themselves and their House with pride and enthusiastically participated in all events. A fantastic day was had by all.


College Council Nominations

A new school operates initially with an interim school council until the first school council election is held. College Council nominations are now open.  Information and nomination forms are available from the General Office and attached to the initial Compass notification. Further information about school council can be found via our website 


Please give some thought to contributing to the College by participating in College Council – School Council meets on the 3rd Monday of each month at 4:30pm (for approx. 1 hour).  College Council decides, to a large extent, the policies and direction the College takes and is therefore a most important part of the College community.We have following vacancies on school council:

  • Parent representatives x5
  • Student Representatives x2
  • DET staff Representatives x2

Term of office: The first school council election of a newly established school council will result in half the number of members in each of the parent, school employee and student electorates serving a term of office from the date of their election to the date of declaration of the poll in the following year, that is, one year. The other half of the membership will serve from the date of their election to the date of declaration of the poll in the second calendar year following their election, that is, two years. To determine which members, elected by ballot, serve a two-year or one-year term of office, the members with the greatest number of votes serve the longer term of office and those with the lesser number of votes serve the shorter term of office.


Nomination Forms: All nominations should be submitted to the General Office by 4pm Friday 10th May 2024. Should a ballot be required, notification will be sent to all families and will close on Wednesday 22nd May 2024.


Kind Regards, 

Mr. Simon Haber

College Principal









As a staff team we are committed to providing a diverse and inclusive school with our students and your children.  We encourage you to partner with us as we build our high expectations for our school community as a whole.  Your feedback is always welcome and I can be contacted on 03 8001 3333 or via email at