Student Wellbeing and Support

At Pilgrim School we have a whole school approach to Wellbeing. This includes our Positive Learning Communities introduction in all classes at the beginning of the school year. We have a number of programs aimed at developing each student's sense of wellbeing such as Kimochis, PeaceWise Kids, Zones of Regulation, Growth Mindsets, Growing with Gratitude, and Play is the Way.


In 2023, we held two Wellbeing Days across the school as a break from usual learning programs and an opportunity for students to focus on their emotional and social wellbeing in a fun day of activities.


Our Wellbeing Team regularly met to look at the social and emotional needs of our students as well as supporting our staff wellbeing. A decision was made to introduce a Wellbeing Dog to our school and our new dog, Lola, made some initial visits while she was doing her preliminary training. Lola will be a valued addition to our school's Wellbeing Team as she provides a connection for many of our students with separation and anxiety concerns.


Our Diverse Learning Team has supported students in their classrooms, in small groups outside of the class, and at times with 1:1 support for learning. The team works hard to ensure all students can access the curriculum and school activities with accommodations and support as required.