Curriculum and Teaching

Pilgrim School teaches the Australian Curriculum from a biblical worldview. In 2023, the teaching staff adopted the new 9.0 version of the curriculum for learning and assessment. Staff attended training sessions to support them in implementing the new version of the curriculum.


Evidence-based research recognises, as stated in a recent publication by the Australian Education Research Organisation, that

Students who feel culturally safe, supported and have a positive sense of belonging within their learning community are also more actively engaged in their learning. 


Two of the professional learning sessions involved all Pilgrim staff learning strategies to help students feel supported, culturally safe and to have a sense of belonging at our school. This focus of a whole school approach to wellbeing and rigorous curriculum teaching has seen our students flourish and succeed.


Students have the opportunity to be involved in a number of competitions across the school year, including the Bebras Challenge, the Oliphant Science Awards, the Premier's Reading and beActive Challenges, ICAS competitions and the Australian Maths Competition.


Extracurricular opportunities included SACSA and Sapsasa athletics and sport carnivals, the commencement of the Pilgrim School Choir, and our link with the School of Languages who offered both Mandarin and Auslan classes after school.


In 2023, Pilgrim School introduced a trial of our 'Belong and Blossom' playgroup which quickly grew, requiring the addition of a second session each week. This has been a wonderful point of connection and belonging for our current families with younger siblings, families with students enrolled in future years and those wanting to explore what Pilgrim School can offer their family.