Student, Parent and Staff Satisfaction 


Each of our home classes (from Year 2 and up) elected two student representatives per semester to represent their class on our Student Representative Council (SRC). Our senior class elected four students for the entire year to assist in leadership across the school. 

This group met twice a term to discuss suggestions for improvement around the school and ways to support others through fundraising opportunities such as casual days.


Student ideas resulted in the acquisition of a wellbeing dog for the school, the development of the Kiss and Drop shelter, the installation of a refrigerated drinking station, and commencement of an intergenerational playgroup.


Our Year 4-6 students participated in the Wellbeing and Engagement Collection Survey with very encouraging results indicating Pilgrim School provides a positive environment for student wellbeing and engagement. Some of the key points from the survey were:

  • The majority of Pilgrim students indicated that they view their emotional wellbeing as 'positive'.
  • The majority of Pilgrim students indicated that they have the skills to emotionally regulate. This has improved over the last two years and lines up with Pilgrim School's teaching of the Zones of Regulation.
  • Student responses on school engagement have also improved, meaning  a larger portion view their engagement with school as positive.
  • Relationships between staff and students have strengthened with more students identifying that they have important adults at school.
  • Responses to Health and Wellbeing outside of school also saw improved positive results.


Our school families continued to be active in opportunties available for involvement and connection with the school, including our New Parents' Dinner, Parent Information Nights, Parent Teacher Interviews, Parent Workshops, Learning Journeys, and our Year 6 Graduation and whole school Christmas Celebration.


Families provided feedback to the school through emails, phone calls, meetings with leadership and our Parents & Friends group. We also surveyed families about their perceived use of an Early Learning Centre or playgroup associated with Pilgrim School which resulted in the commencement of our Belong and Blossom playgroup in Term 3.


A new initiative for 2023 was the introduction of The Fathering Project with an event for dads and father figures with their children that resulted in over 100 people attending a paper plane and pizza night.


Staff participated in several opportunities to review current practices and plan future directions for the school.