
Avec Monsieur Roast

Bonjour mes amis!


Plenty of excitement in la classe de Francais as students are learning all about periods of time and aspects of the weather.  Using music, videos and lots of speaking practice, students are extending their French vocabulary, and becoming more confident pronouncing the language.


Foundation students are focussing on the four seasons (les quatre saisons) by drawing scenes from each one and learning a song:


Grades 1 and 2 are learning the days of the week, followed by the months of the year. 

They have beautiful singing voices, and have learnt the lyrics to a new song to help them remember the names:

Grades 3 and 4 are learning basic weather expressions, and then creating wonderful visual displays: 

Grades 5 and 6 are copying and translating weather expressions through a French song entitled "Quel Temps fait-il?".  Then, they record themselves saying or singing the words:

Beaucoup d'etudiants talentueux produisant un travail tres impressionnant!


Au revoir,

Monsieur Roast

Le Professeur Francais