Visual Art

What's been happening in Visual Art this week........
Another busy week in the art room which saw the completion of projects and the start of others. This week we have been using clay, paint and lots of paper collaging. There are many new magnificent displays up in the corridors so please come in and have a look.
Grade 1 and 2 have been busy colour mixing with arcrylic paints. They have focused on identifying the primary colours and mixing these to create the secondary colours. Lots of fun and amazement in these classes.
Grade 3 and 4 have been finishing off their Australian Landscape project where they were inspired by Indigenous artist Bronwyn Bancroft. She has published over 40 picture story books and her illustrations are wonderful. Please enjoy the vibrant pigments inks and pattern work that the children have used to bring these landscapes to life.
Grade 3 and 4 have also been learning new ceramic techniques this week. The Grade 4's have starting making owl pinch pots and the Grade 3's have made an owl ornament. All students learnt how to join the clay and make patterns and textures on their clay artwork. So much fun
Grade 5 and 6 have been super creative this week by making their very own species of beetle to present in the Boroondara Park PS Museum. The students had to focus on symmetry and making sure their creation was bright and colourful.
Volunteers in the Art Room
Thank you again to the parents that were able to help out in the Art Room on Monday. Your time was greatly appreciated, and we were able to achieve so much.
If you can spare 20 minutes or longer on a Monday morning between 8.45am-11am or on a Tuesday between 2.15pm-3.30pm? I would love some assistance to help prepare materials for my weekly art lessons. Typical tasks might include cutting paper or materials, putting up displays or helping me sort out the art storeroom - no small task!
I would greatly appreciate any amount of time you can spare no matter how small. Please email me directly on or pop in and see me in the art room between Monday - Thursday.