Senior and Middle School News

Sunshine Online

Our students love to use technology whilst they are learning, and reading is no exception! Our listening post program is called Sunshine Online, which allows students to read digital books either with or without a supporting narrator. They can then complete a number of set activities to test their knowledge about the text they have just read. Here is a selection of 3/4A students reading their digital books with the accompanying audio; 














Chance and Probability

Our students have been learning how to represent chance and probability using fractions, decimals and percentages. We inquired further into expected and observed outcomes of repeated chance experiments. Through a range of group rotation activities, we tested our thinking to see if our actual outcomes matched our expected outcomes, and practised writing these as fractions. 


Last week the 5/6 students did chance in maths. We used some cards, dice, counters and coins. With the dice, we rolled them 24 times to see how many times it landed on even or odd. For me, it was even. To me, everything was fun, but my favourite was the dice. 

- Kayden


Maths was really fun because we got to test our theories. For example: Does whispering to a dice make any difference to the outcome?



Australian History

Our grade 5/6 students have been busy creating detailed dioramas that reflect a significant event in Australian history. The students used a range of materials to make and create their researched topic. 


Diorama were fun to make because we could be creative.



Making our dioramas was really fun because we could let our imagination run wild.
