News from the Board

Since we last wrote the Board has been busy! A number of our board members, along with Principal Michelle Dempsey and Administration Manager Gerry Beimers went to Sydney for the Christian Education National (CEN) National Conference and AGM. It was great to represent MECS at a national level. It was a wonderful time of community, of listening to speakers, and catching up with what is happening in the broader Christian Education community.
Many of our Board members attended our New Parent Dinner in March. We really enjoyed meeting and getting to know our new families, it was a wonderful event!
We also had our April Board Meeting at Ranges TEC. It was great to be in their space and see the spaces that our Ranges TEC students are learning in.
We have our AGM coming up on Wednesday 22 May.
If you have been considering Association Membership or would like to know what is happening in the bigger picture of MECS, please come along, we would love to see you there! (you do not need to be an Association Member to attend).
We also want to acknowledge Gerry Beimers, our Administration Manager for the past 16.5 years, who has tendered his resignation and will be finishing up in July. There will be opportunities to thank and acknowledge Gerry for his faithful service to the MECS community before he finishes up. Please join us in praying for Gerry and Melinda as they plan for this next stage in their lives. Please also pray for the Board and Executive as we plan a way forward for MECS.
We ask for your continued prayers for our Board as we govern MECS and work alongside Michelle Dempsey and the rest of the Executive team.
We hope to see you at the AGM on May 22!
Nicole Nyhouse
On behalf of the Board