Property News

Recent Working Bees
We have had a great time with the last few Working bees. Last weekend, a cool morning soon changed with the sun coming out and making it a pleasant day for all to help cleanup around the school. We had a great time having softfall mulch put down, gardens mulched, tidied and planted, concrete pressure washed, internal walls cleaned and pits and drains cleaned for the winter rains.
We want to thank all the people who came along and helped out. We will take a break from Working Bees over the cooler period and commence back on September 7, October 19 and November 23.
Watch this space
We are looking at trialling a twilight Working Bee on a weekday once daylight savings starts again. Details to come.
Also if you have any particular skills that you would be willing to use on a Working Bee to help with the facilities let me know.
Daniel, Steve, Tim, Pete
Property Team