Special Events

Throughout the Bible we are regularly reminded of examples in which Jesus is the light of the world (John 8:12), the Word is a lamp to our feet (Psalm 119:105) and that we, as followers of Christ, can let our light shine and in doing so glorify God (Matthew 5:16). Therefore it was only fitting when we were thinking about what makes MECS, 'MECS', and how we want prospective families to think of our school, that we would think of how we can be 'lit up' for Christ!
MECS Lit Up, our 2024 Open Evening, saw our school grounds covered with fairy lights, lanterns, glow in the dark black lights and even disco lights! It was our pleasure to host just shy of 200 people who were exploring the possibility of joining our MECS community in the coming years.
Feedback shared from some of these families included being amazed by the wealth of knowledge and depth of care our teachers shared while leading tours. Others commented on how wonderful it was to see current students taking pride in their school - participating in various areas like the Dessert Bar in the Food Tech room, the Faith Leadership Team pancake station, the VCE-VM cafe operated by our Year 12 Vocational Major students and all our students who engaged in the sport activities. It gave them a glimpse into the day-to-day opportunities their children will have if they attend MECS.
Open Evening, in all it's lights and joy, is a wonderful opportunity for curious families to find out more about MECS, our approach to a biblical perspective of teaching and the facilities & programs we provide. But it's not the only way interested families can get engaged. We offer weekly guided tours that can be booked via our website. If you have friends or family who you would love to see join our MECS community, please direct them to book a tour!
Grace Sketcher
Teaching & Learning Executive Assistant, VASS, VCE Exam & Marketing Coordinator
New Parent Dinner
Last term we had the blessing and privilege of welcoming our new parents into the community with a dinner at Chirnside Park Country Club. Michelle Dempsey led the evening with a welcome and prayer. Janet Anderson spoke about our Primary School and the 'Deep Hope' we have for all our students here at MECS. Karissa Esselbrugge then spoke on the rich learning that we try and instil into all our classes here at MECS. Ric Thorpe spoke about Ranges TEC and how it is transforming young lives and helping their students find their passions.
This evening is always fun, entertaining, and informative, coupled with good food and lovely company. We pray for all our new families over their children's learning journey here at MECS and pray they feel loved and supported in our Community.
Jenny Taylor
Community Relations