Library News

This week, we’re listening to some wonderful and fun stories in K-6 and have been busy loaning English texts to Secondary students.
This Week’s Reads
Kindergarten and Stage 1 are reading some beautiful stories about their special mothers and grandmothers in celebration of Mother's Day on the weekend. Kinder is enjoying telling me all the amazing things their mums can do like the main characters in ‘Some Mums’ by Nick Bland. I’ve heard about backflips on the trampoline and even mums doing the splits! I’m impressed.
Stage 1 is reading ‘What Do You Call Your Grandma’ by Ashleigh Barton where we learn what grandmas are called around the world. Students then share what they call their grandmothers and some of the very special things they like to do with them too. Ask your child if they can remember any of the ways to say grandma around the world.
This term in Stage 2, students are diving into navigating the library, beginning with a library scavenger hunt this week. Students will be sent to find books and collections to complete a map of the library so they can learn to find where the resources they want to use are. Students will also learn about call numbers, and how the fiction and non-fiction sections are organised. Each week, I will also be choosing a new book to read the first chapter of to give students a ‘taste’ of some stories they may not have tried before.
At times, one of the least exciting parts of library lessons is learning about research skills and information literacy so I was excited when a new book arrived that I could use to teach both to Stage 3. This term, we’re reading ‘Brilliant Minds: 30 Dyslexic Heroes Who Changed the World’ by Shannon Meyerkort. This great book profiles 30 people who struggled at school due to having dyslexia, but who grew up and changed the world in all sorts of different fields. Among them are Dame Agatha Christie, Sir Richard Branson, Jamie Oliver, Jessica Watson, Muhammad Ali and Steven Spielberg. Each profile is beautifully illustrated by Amy Blackwell too. This book is written for kids who have dyslexia, and also for anyone who has struggled at school and needs a reminder that they too can make a difference in their world. Over the term, we’ll be reading some of these profiles and students will be presenting a research project on a person of their choice who has dyslexia. Along the way, they’ll also learn how to look for ‘good’ information sources and effective ways to present research. I look forward to sharing some of these with you at the end of the term.
Kids Lit Quiz
Last Friday, twelve enthusiastic readers represented Holy Trinity in the virtual heat of Kids Lit Quiz Australia, facing off against schools from across the nation. This exciting competition tests participants' literary prowess and book trivia knowledge and showcases their love for reading. It was a fantastic opportunity for these avid readers to shine, with all three teams winning a round against tough competition. Congratulations to Emina O’Neil-Yee, Julian Collins, Ryan Hill, Kaylee Berry, Ella McGavin, Seaton Higgins, Pippa Butcher, and Zalie Borrowdale. A special mention goes to Hailee Zell, Violet McBean, Maggie Fitzroy and Isabel Bryant who finished 3rd overall. A great effort from everyone!
Term 2 Secondary English Texts
This term, secondary students are reading a diverse collection of stories from a variety of countries, cultures and times. Students will be reading these during class, their DEAR period and at home. Extension texts have also been included for students who finish reading early.
Year 7 - Naveed by John Heffernan
Year 8 - Trash by Andy Mulligan
Year 9 - Boy in the Striped Pyjamas - John Boyne
Year 10 - Deadly Unna? By Phillip Gwynne
What’s Better - The Movie or the Book?
If you ask me this, I will always say the book (of course!) but now it’s up to you to decide for yourselves. SORA’s books of the week are all fantastic stories that were so good, that they were made into movies. I wonder how you’ll answer?
Fun in the Library
Apart from reading books, students come to the library during break times to enjoy games and catch up with friends. Jenga has been the flavour of the week and both primary and secondary students have enjoyed setting up the blocks to watch them topple over. Such simple but good fun.
New Books - Take 2
Last week, I forgot to include the photos of the new books so I thought it would be a good idea to do it this week. Students love the new choices.
Stage 1 with some of their Anzac illustrations after reading ‘The Anzac Billy’ by Claire Saxby.
Happy reading,
Mrs Toni Fraser