Mrs Jillian Rainger

What has been happening @ HTS

I have seen some great things happening at our school over the last few days. On Friday I was invited to watch the finals of 8M Co2 dragsters races. Mr White, Mr Higgins and 8M had done a great job at designing fast cars. Congratulations to Jaxon and Maya whose designs made it to the final. Jaxon's car won the event!  

I also visited the Kids Lit Quiz in the Library and they were having a ball! As well as joining Year 9 for a short time in the Real Talk sessions. They too were enjoying their learning.


 Yesterday I also had time to watch the second round of the Bill Turner Trophy. Our secondary girls soccer team played really well and more importantly seemed to be enjoying themselves! Their sportsmanship was commendable. Thanks to Mrs East for giving her time to coaching the team!

We have also been having some upgrades happening. Here is a snapshot of the basketball court resurfacing project that is nearing completion. Also a big thank you to our P and F for purchasing two outdoor table tennis tables for the back secondary quadrangle.


To Addison Emerson-Sippel, Ruby Selig, Georgie Moore, Cooper Nelson, Levi Swadling, Rafe Waller and Jack Sweeney who attended the Polding Trials last Friday in soccer, netball and rugby league. Jack has now made the Polding soccer team.

Best Wishes...

To Matilda and Mollie for CCC Netball this week

To Charlie, Sarah and Lizzie at the Warrayamalaya Camp in Sydney

To our Ag show team for this weekend in Warialda.

Staying Healthy

As we move into the colder months their is an increase in sickness. We currently have a number of students with a vomiting bug as well as coughs and colds starting. Please remember that if your child is unwell to keep them home until their symptoms have eased or have gone in order to help stop the spread. 

Mother's Day Breakfast

I am looking forward to seeing lots of our Mums, Nans, Step-Mums and important women in our students lives on Friday morning from 8:15am in the Infants Quadrangle. It is our way of saying thank you for all you do. Come along and have a pancake and a chat to other mums. Another copy of the flyer has gone home today so we can finalise our RSVP's on Wednesday.

A reminder...

... the P and F's Mother's Day Stall will be held on Friday in the hall. Students from Kindergarten to Year 6 will go to the stall with their class between 9-11:30am. Secondary students can attend the stall during 10 minute break and recess. Prices of items range from $2-10. 


Have a great week!
