Welcome Back to Term 2!

We hope you had a fantastic break and are ready for another exciting term filled with learning and growth. We've certainly hit the ground running this week. Here is what we have been up to:


Literacy Adventures: In literacy, our students have delved into the world of information texts, focusing on Angler fish. We're learning how to effectively organize information and identify various text features. Additionally, we've been investigating how sentences are formed and how to expand them.


Mathematical Marvels: This week, our mathematical minds have been buzzing with multiplication madness! We've been mastering our multiplication skills through engaging activities and daily fluency practice. One highlight has been the creation of some wonderful times table flowers!

Science Shenanigans: The highlight of our week has been the commencement of our science unit. We dove into the world of matter by creating oobleck, and what an adventure it was! The students marveled at its ability to shift between solid and liquid states, sparking curiosity and exploration not to mention a huge mess too!

Geography Explorations: Our geography unit has kicked off by exploring our great country. We looked at the oceans and seas surrounding our continent as well as the capital cities of our states and territories. The students really enjoyed looking at some of the unique places in Australia such as The Blue Hole, Fraser Island, Painted Cliffs and more!


Friendly Reminders:


Whole School Cross Country: Tuesday 23rd April on the school oval.  Grade 3 students will run at approx. 10:05am and Grade 4 students at 10:20am. Please see the separate Xuno notification from Brianna Brown for more details.


 District Cross Country: Friday 3rd May at Wesley Hill Oval. Permission forms have been sent out via Xuno. The cost for this event is $2. We are also seeking some parent helpers to walk to and from this event. Please let your classroom teacher know asap if you can help out.


ANZAC Day Public Holiday: Thursday 25th April


Homework: Please ensure that homework tasks are completed and returned on time to support your child's learning journey.


Assembly: Weekly whole-school assemblies will commence from Week 2 in the multipurpose room. Our cohort will be presenting on the following days

3/4BC - Monday 13th May

3/4J - Monday 20th May


We're looking forward to another fun-filled term with everyone.


Kristie, Bree and Juliet


Juliet Jefferys - Juliet.Jefferys@education.vic.gov.au

Kristie Conn - Kristie.Conn@education.vic.gov.au

Brianna Brown - Brianna.Brown@education.vic.gov.au