Principal's Report 

Issue No 12- 1 May 2024

Term 2 - Week 3

Principal’s Report


Arrival time / Supervision of students

It is important to note that students are not to arrive at school before 8:30 am, as active supervision commences from 8:30 am onwards.


The school grounds will open at 8:30 am and classes begin at 9.00 am (music starts at 8:57 am to alert our community to move to their classrooms).  Students are supervised in the yard from 8:30 am.  Classrooms will open at 8:50 am (unless inclement weather).


Use of Mobile Phones and Smart Watches - Students

Students who choose to bring mobile phones to school must have them switched off and securely stored during school hours.  At the end of the day, students are asked to not use their phones for video recording or taking photos whilst in the school grounds.  

Students who wear Smart Watches are not permitted to use them to contact their families via SMS or phone calls.  


As always in emergencies, parents can contact their children through the school office and if students need to make contact with their families they can arrange this with their teacher or school office staff.


Division Cross Country

The students in Grades 3 to 6 will be competing in the Regional Cross Country Championships, held at the Bendigo Race Track today. We wish all of these students the best of luck and hope they enjoy the experience.


Unit Masses

Tomorrow unit masses commence for our students with the first unit being Grades 1 & 2, at 9 am.  Keep an eye out on the newsletter for details on when your child’s mass will be because we LOVE parents and special friends to join us for these masses.


Mother’s Day

For Mother's Day this year, we will celebrate our mothers and special friends on Wednesday 8th May.

All mothers and special friends of the school are invited to attend mass at St Kilian’s Church at 12:10 pm.


After Mass, mothers and special friends are welcome to join together in the hall for a cuppa and slice of cake.  Students will eat their lunch at this time and receive an icy pole at the end of the lunch break. 


Mother’s Day Gifts

Students will have the opportunity to purchase a gift for their mothers or special friends on Wednesday 8th May. A parent volunteer has organised a range of gifts for all students to purchase.  Students are asked to bring $5 to purchase a gift.



Grade 4 Camp

Next Thursday and Friday our Grade 4 students travel to Pioneer Settlement for their camp. We hope all of the students enjoy the camp experience and the activities planned.


Tuckshop News

Our Tuckshop will be closed until a new person has been appointed as Tuckshop/Uniform Manager.


Uniform Purchases

Please continue to purchase Uniform items via QKR, these will be filled on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  


Pupil Free Days 

13th May School Closure: Learning & Teaching with Toni Hatten-Roberts.

Public Holidays during Term 2

10th June:    King’s Birthday


Upcoming events

Term 2

Week 4

  • 6th May:             Discover CMC Excursion- Grade 6
  • 7th May:             River Detectives Excursion- Grade 6
  • 8th May:             Mother’s Day Mass & Cuppa Mass at 12:10 pm
  • 8th May:             St Kilian’s Parish- Sacrament of Confirmation/Eucharist-                                                       Information Session 7 pm
  • 9th/10th May:  Grade 4 Camp Pioneer Settlement
  • 12th May:           Mother’s Day

Week 5

  • 13th May:          Pupil Free Day-  Learning and Teaching with Toni Hatten-Roberts
  • 15th May:          St Kilian’s Parish- Sacrament of Confirmation/Eucharist- Session 1                                  7pm
  • 16th May:          Laudato Si' week in Australia

2025 Enrolment Process

Applications are called from parents wishing to enrol children in Foundation (Prep) and other classes at St Kilian’s Primary School for the 2025 school year.


Children may be enrolled to start school in February of the year in which they turn five, provided their birthday is on or before the 30th of April.


Open Week School Tours

Monday 29th April - Friday 3rd May,

Student Led Tours 9:15 am to 11:00 am

or by appointment outside of these times.


If you are unable to attend our School Open Week, please feel free to make an appointment to view our excellent teaching and learning environment. 


To begin the enrolment process, please contact the school on



Phone: 5443 4071


Please note the following key dates: 


Friday 24 May:         Closing date for 2025 Enrolments 

Friday 7 June:           Enrolment offers made to all Bendigo Primary students 

Friday 21 June:         Bendigo parents must accept/decline enrolments by this day. 


Enrolment positions will be reallocated if not accepted by this date.


God Bless 

Kimberley McSweeney  
