
The students have been working hard in French this term and have been doing some wonderful work in their lessons.
Grade Prep students have been learning French songs and the vocabulary to Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes (which they will tell you is actually Feet in French!). They have been singing and doing the actions and completing written work to support the language learning. See below to listen to the song and have a sing along yourself!
Grade 1/2 students have been working hard on communicating with each other in French while playing different games. We learnt how to play Go Fish in French, and they have also been playing a memory game using classroom items such as pencils (les crayons), erasers (les gommes), scissors (les ciseaux) and rulers (les règles).
Grade 3-6 students have been working on creating a gargoyle or mythical creature. We will be learning about sentence structure and the placement and agreement to nouns of adjectives this term, so students are creating their unique creatures to describe. We have learnt about the history of the famous Notre Dame cathedral in Paris and looked at the Gargoyles in the guttering systems, which were placed there after the French Revolution to protect the walls from water damage and also to ward off 'evil spirits' that might want to harm the building. I have been so impressed with the creativity all students have shown in creating their creatures and I look forward to continuing the grammar work this term.
Some grade 5/6 students have also had the opportunity to build French monuments in Minecraft, researching facts about the monument and recreating the structures in small groups. They have again showed great creativity and it was lovely to see them working together to support each other in their groups.
Thank you to all studnets for a lovely beginning to Term 2!
Brodie Saunal
French Teacher P-6