Year 3/4
In our reading and writing sessions to start the term we have continued on with our persuasive unit and have been looking at how advertisements use persuasive devices to sell their products. Students have begun working in a group to create their own product which they will create a marketing campaign and commercial for using their iPad and imovie.
Our maths units this term focus largely around the four operations and whole number. We have started with addition and subtraction and students have had the opportunity to learn and practice a range of strategies to add and subtract numbers in the hundreds and beyond. They have been practicing a variety of strategies through cooperative games. After Camp we will move onto multiplication and division.
In our Humanities unit this term we have been learning about digital technologies. We have learned about software and hardware and the role that both play in making technology useable. Over the next few weeks, students will get the opportunity to code on their iPads using the program Scratch. They will build code that can animate characters, create a digital sequence and even code their own games.
We regularly discuss the safe and responsible use of technology with our students and the eSafety Commissioner website is an excellent place to find resources and information to best support our kids when on their devices and online. Here is the link to the parent section which can provide further support to families
3/4 Camp to Phillip Island
This week out Year 3/4 students have been at camp in Phillip Island. They took part in a number of exciting and fun activities and even made a trip to see the penguins! Please see below for some pictures.