Year 1/2

We are so proud of the way the 1/2 students have settled back into school this term. It's wonderful to see the children participating in the morning routine independently and focusing on their learning. Keep up the great work, Grade 1/2s!
Students have been learning about persuasive techniques. They have been identifying ways an author can be persuasive in Reading. In Writing, students have been creating their own pieces of writing where they are trying to persuade the reader to think like them. They have enjoyed participating in debates and sharing their arguments with their peers. We have some very persuasive students :)
Students have been learning various addition strategies in 1/2 including friends of 10, doubles, near doubles, bridging to 10 and partitioning. We have also been learning to tell the time on analogue clock to the hour, half past and quarter hour time. Students enjoyed creating their own clocks!
We have been looking at the differences between how Indigenous Australians tell the seasons changing versus how we use our calendar to tell when the seasons change. We have spent lots of time outside observing the changes we can see, hear and feel.
Students participate in weekly lessons where they learn about school-wide positive behaviour and Respectful Relationships. The current focus is on building strengths, for example, identifying a time when you felt proud of yourself.
Students continue to use their Ready to Learn scales and are enjoying our morning positive primers and brain breaks throughout the day.
Friendly reminders:
- Monday 6th May is a curriculum day. The 1/2 teachers are very excited to continue our learning into the Berry Street Educational Model
- Week 5 (Monday 13th-Friday 17th) is Education Week. Please join us for an open session in your child's class to celebrate a 'Spotlight on STEM'
- Please remember to return take home books on the day advised by your child's teacher
- Bravehearts incursion Wednesday 29th May (please see Compass for details)
Kind regards,
Maddi Rhodes, Brie White, Jess Jones, Mikhala Vawdrey & Alice Warburton
1/2 Classroom teachers