Welcome back to Term 2! It is awesome to see the preps so ready to learn! They have been working so hard this term. We have been so impressed with the progress the preps have been making. Keep up the hard work!
Sounds Write
In Sounds Write, we have been working on learning new sounds. This term we have explored, d, e, f, v, k, l, r and u. Students have been working of word building, through segmenting the sounds in words and then blending the sounds to then read the word. In addition to this, we have been working on sound swapping. This is when we swap a sounds in a word to make a new word, for example, bag becomes tag, this continues on, tag --> sag --> sat --> at --> mat --> hat --> hit --> hip --> him --> Tim.
In Reading, we have been learning to make text to self connections. Students were able to listen to different stories and think about how the story reminds them of something that they have done. Check out some examples below!
In Writing, we have been learning about writing sentences. We have had a focus on using finger spaces and using full stops. Students have been continuing to use their knowledge of sounds to help them record the letters to make the words they what to include in their sentences. Check out some of the awesome writing below!
In Maths, we have been learning about subitising. Subitising is the ability to look at a small set of objects and instantly know how many there are without counting. We have also been exploring ordering numbers. Check out some of our awesome work below!
In Geography, we have been learning about special places. We will continue to explore how different places mean different things to different people.
In Wellbeing, we have been learning about personal strengths. We have had a focus on being kind and being brave.
Take home readers
-Readers will be changed on Mondays and Thursdays. Thankyou for your support in reading with your child each night. Please continue to record the nights you read with your child in their diaries.
Fruit snack
-Thankyou for those families that continue to send their child’s fruit snack in a separate container or something they can hold in one hand, so students do not need to bring their whole lunch box to the carpet during learning time.
Brave Hearts Incursion
On the 29th of May Ditto's - note is on Compass. Information is below -
Bravehearts Ditto’s Keep Safe Adventure Show is underpinned by the following principles of personal safety:
o Differentiating safe and unsafe feelings
o Recognising the body’s warning signs
o Body ownership and that it is ok to say no
o Helping children name public and private parts using anatomically correct names
o Reinforcing that there is no secret that children cannot tell someone
o What to do if you feel unsafe or unsure
Bravehearts aims to teach children these essential principles through a behaviour approach to content delivery, interactive games, and catchy, age-appropriate songs.
Children also learn ‘Ditto’s 3 Rules’, which are:
1. We all have the right to feel safe with people.
2. It’s ok to say NO if you feel unsafe or unsure.
3. Nothing is so yucky that you can’t tell someone about it.
Australian Early Development Census
-Along with most schools around the country, our school will be participating in the sixth Australian Early Development Census – the #AEDC2024. The #AEDC helps keep our kids on-track by measuring their development across five key areas when they start their first year of full-time school. Find out how the AEDC can benefit your children’s future and your community: