Head of Students News

Mr Peter Serone

Daniel Principe Parent Presentation

"Championing Young People in a Digital World" 

Wednesday 22 May 2024, Draney Theatre – 6.00 pm


Daniel will delve into the pressing issues facing today's youth, including toxic influencers, limiting stereotypes, the objectification of women and girls, and the impact of porn culture. Through his engaging approach, Daniel explores how can we help our children resist harmful messages from media and pop culture and aspire to respectful relationships.


Please register here for this free event: Daniel Principe Parent Presentation | Humanitix


Further information:  www.danielprincipe.com.au

Year 10 Immunisation Program

Year 10 students who have parental consent to participate in the immunisation program will be receiving their Meningococcal ACWY and Meningococcal B vaccines on Monday 13 May (Week 5).

Non-State Schools Transport Assistance Scheme (NSSTAS)

Students with Disability Travel Rebate

NSSTAS assists eligible families with the cost of travelling to school, with applications for Semester 1 2024 now open online and close on Friday 31 May.