Environment Group News

Ms Kathryn Badini

Environment Group Connect Afternoon

Our Environment Group hosted the Mt St Michael’s Environment Group last Friday afternoon. It was very heartening to see Years 7-12 students from both Colleges playing, brainstorming, and collaborating together. Hopefully, it will be the start of a wonderful partnership between the two College’s Environment Groups. Watch this space. Year 12 student, George Bishop’s, wrap-up is printed below but I wanted to first pass on my thanks to Claire Schultz, Leisa Williams, and Mikael Pitot as well as the Mission Team for their support of the event.


Reflection from George Bishop, Year 12 (Rush):

Last Friday afternoon both Marist’s and MSM’s Environment Groups got together for our first connect night! Alongside collaborative games, a shared BBQ dinner and an outdoor cinema screening of Bee Movie on McMahon Oval’s scoreboard, we discussed some potential environmental ideas that both schools could do together to make a positive impact on our local environment. These involved the cleaning of creeks, the identification and signage of wildlife, and continued visits to FareShare with the addition of the girls.  We hope that these events will occur more frequently in the future to continue the betterment of our common environment and enhance the friendly connection between both schools. Many thanks to the boys, girls, and teachers who attended and made the night possible. A reminder that anyone is welcome and to keep an eye on the notices for further information on events like this. Our meetings happen on Day 9, Break 1B in Room 801.