School Events

What's happening around the school this term?

What's coming up this term?

Whole School Events - Term 2 

*BOLD indicates no classes that day

Thursday 25th April – ANZAC Day – School Closure – Public holiday

Friday 26th April- Pupil Free Day – 

Professional Learning for Staff. No OSHC available.

Wednesday 8th May -  Mother’s Day Breakfast Event @ 8:15 – 9:15 am

Friday 17th May -  Catholic Education Wk Begins -"I am making all things new" Rev 21:5

Monday 20th May -  School Multicultural Day – Students & Staff can wear cultural dress

Wednesday 22nd May - National Simultaneous Storytime @ 11am

Friday 7th June - Pupil Free Day – Staff Professional Development

Monday 10th June -  Monarch’s Birthday – School Closure – Public Holiday

Friday 28th June -  Last Day of Term 2

Term 3

Monday 15th July - First Day of Term 3

What's happening soon?