Principal's Message

Mrs Kaileen Carr

We are seeing an increase in the amount of packaged food coming to school and understand that this is an easy option for busy families. However, we are asking that this food is only eaten at lunch and recess time. It would be preferable if only fruit and/or vegies and water are packed for fruit break time. Fruit break is only a quick 10 minute break where students who need to refuel can have a piece of fruit or vegetables to then go back to learning.


School budgets have increased to a record level overall this year. However, the Department has asked all schools to review their budgets and ensure they prioritise teaching and learning in the classroom. The changes are intended to address teacher shortages, ensuring all schools have access to the teachers they need. 


As a result, there will be a small reduction in our school budget. We will reconsider initiatives where teachers have been spending additional time off class, or where flexible funding has been used.  


Important school improvement programs and core funded teacher and administrative positions will remain the same, while we review flexible funds. Our priority will be supporting all our students and their learning.


Thank you for your ongoing support of our school community. 


The schools P&C AGM has been set for Tuesday 14th May at 6:30pm in the school library. All positions will be declared vacant. Please come along if you are interested in either taking up an executive position or would like to support our school.


I'd like to wish our District Cross Country runners good luck for the District Cross Country on Friday.  Students will meet Mrs Jackson and myself at Sulman Park, Mt Panorama on Friday morning.


On Wednesday 8th May, 50 students attended St Pats football ground to play football at the Peachy Shield Gala Day. All students displayed great sportsmanship and represented Eglinton with pride. Well done everyone. Thank you Mr Ellis for all your organisation.


Congratulations to Jimmy Osborne who has been successful in being selected for the Western Touch Football team.


Congratulations to all the students who will be giving their speeches on Monday 13th May at 12.30pm in the hall. I am looking forward to listening to each one of them.


Next Thursday 16th May, the whole school will be heading to MacKillop College to participate in our annual Athletics Carnival. If you have not filled in the online permission, please do so ASAP. Students are able to wear their house colours.



There are so many school and sport activities happening this term, please check the school calendar regularly.