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CYBERSAFETY (eSmart Matters)
By Rowan Walker (elearning Co-ordinator)
Screen time is often talked about these days, and it can seem like there is no answer in sight to the question “How much is too much?” This is not limited to children, as many adults find it difficult to manage their screen time too. But, for our children, we must support them to learn good management strategies now to set them up for life in a digital world. So, how much is too much? As children progress through their school careers, they will need to use technology more and more, not only at home but also in the classroom. At the start of Year 7, our students receive their own Chromebook which will be used in the classroom and at home. Many will also have a mobile phone and/or tablet.
As adults, whether teachers at school or parents at home, it is incumbent upon us to help our children to develop healthy habits in this area, along with strategies to recognise when they are overloaded and what they can do to manage this.
As a school, we do not want to tell parents what is right in this space, but simply to encourage you to consider what is best for your children and to set boundaries in your home. Below is a link to a website with some helpful tips for parents of primary school-aged children. For parents of secondary school-aged children, we encourage you to have a conversation with your child about how they use technology, giving them a chance to have an active voice in agreeing upon appropriate boundaries, which will ultimately make it easier to keep them accountable to those boundaries in the long run.
For handy tips about managing screen time, please visit
Belgrave Heights Christian School is part of the Independent Schools Victoria network of schools. Independent Schools Victoria offers an initiative called The Parents Website. Here you will find a range of articles and newsletters. To learn more, please click here.